Maximizing Transaction Size
Each spend, output, mint, and burn in an Iron Fish transaction increases its size. The maximum size of a transaction is the maximum size of a block minus the size of the block's header and miner's fee transaction.
This example creates a maximum-size transaction. In practice, you may want to specify which notes are spent in the transaction to maximize the number of outputs and set a lower transaction size limit to avoid competing for block space with other transactions.
import { Asset } from '@ironfish/rust-nodejs'
import {
} from '@ironfish/sdk'
async function main(): Promise<void> {
const sdk = await IronfishSdk.init({ dataDir: '~/.dev0' })
const client = await sdk.connectRpc()
// Fetch an account
const defaultAccountResponse = await client.wallet.getDefaultAccount()
if (defaultAccountResponse.content.account === null) {
throw new Error('Expected a default account')
const accountName =
const accountResponse = await client.wallet.getAccountPublicKey({
account: accountName,
const publicAddress = accountResponse.content.publicKey
// Proof size is 192 bytes
const BYTES_PER_OUTPUT = NoteEncrypted.size + 192
// Get the max transaction size from the node
const consensusParams = await client.chain.getConsensusParameters()
const maxTransactionSizeBytes = Verifier.getMaxTransactionBytes(consensusParams.content.maxBlockSizeBytes)
console.log('Max transaction size (bytes):', maxTransactionSizeBytes)
// Create some example outputs
let numOfOutputs = Math.floor(maxTransactionSizeBytes / BYTES_PER_OUTPUT)
console.log('Rough estimate of how many outputs can fit in a transaction:', numOfOutputs)
const outputs: CreateTransactionRequest['outputs'] = []
for (let i = 0; i < numOfOutputs; i++) {
amount: CurrencyUtils.encode(1n),
memo: 'test',
assetId: Asset.nativeId().toString('hex'),
// Recreate the raw transaction until it fits in the block
let bytes = Infinity
let spends = Infinity
while (bytes > maxTransactionSizeBytes) {
console.log(`Calculating size of transaction with ${numOfOutputs} outputs...`)
const options: CreateTransactionRequest = {
outputs: outputs.slice(0, numOfOutputs),
account: accountName,
feeRate: '200',
const response = await client.wallet.createTransaction(options)
const rawTransaction = RawTransactionSerde.deserialize(
Buffer.from(response.content.transaction, 'hex'),
bytes = rawTransaction.size()
spends = rawTransaction.spends.length
`Fit ${numOfOutputs} outputs in a transaction with ${spends} spends. Transaction size (bytes): ${bytes}`,